Tuesday, November 28, 2006
@12:44 am
thing is, i have no idea what to say now.hmmmm. training as usual today, GETTING THE BALANCE FINALLY. BUT nooooo, cannot take things for granted. yes, humility is the way to go.wtf am i talking about.
I MISS 1T29! must have outing asap.
i saw this blog just now, HORRIBLE HORRIBLE english, and totally self-centred. get some english lessons please! the canoeing peeps should know which blog i'm talking about.
my ultimate dream is to be with you forever. to be everywhere with you together.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
@9:51 am
Hi world. life's been ok. training is like taking place almost everyday of the week now. walao. but the c-boat's improving now i guess. at least now i can leave the pontoon(is this the way to spell it?) and make my way to ABIT out into the reservoir.
went out with the class peeps after training on friday. it was quite fun, played pool and has dinner after that.
OMG i'm uber rusty in pool now please. missing simple shots! argh how to have pool challenge = =''
well, life has been a WEEEE bit better than before the sub-papers. gotta start studying soon.
i care about you, oh yes i do.-Kenny-

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
@8:04 pm
forgive my ranting.i capped at least 30 times today. and when you capsize, the water rushes into your nose and IT HURTS A HELL LOT. F*** that. it's horrible to keep trying to balance on the Mo****f****ing C-boat. now i have a bloody headache. i think my brain is waterlogged. capped too many times. well, at least i managed to bring my strokes record to 4! 4 strokes before capping. it's rather pathetic though. how shitty.
well, there's at least one piece of good news. i managed to rectify my problem with skulling the water(whacking the water to balance) right at the LAST MOMENT. phew. hope it helps me tommorrow and i will finally be able to balance on the f***ing C-boat.
i'm PROMOTED.heh. passed that bloody sub-paper.
woke up yesterday morning not feeling too well, so decided not to go the extra C-training. PAI SEH DES. olive called me later in the morning, and as i was feeling better, i went to shawn's house. FRONT 5(w/o xuan), shawn and gerard were baking a cake for xuan. i didnt help much, but i was sort of like the cameraman, taking loads of pictures. i'll upload them next time when i'm free and my head's waterless. well, it was loads of fun observing the cake-baking process, and laughed like mad too. many hours later, the cake was finally baked and we made our way to xuan's house. instead of surprising xuan, we got a big surprise ourselves when xuan was NOT AT HOME. callled xuan but no answer. the girls managed to slip in the cake(along with some notes) through the window onto xuan's television though. cute la. turned out xuan was at dinner with her family, as we found out later on the way home.
training today was shitty with a capital S. i got really depressed at one point when i capped continuously for like an hour. but ohwells. hope the situation improves.
why why why. why are you treating me this way? why is this happening? why is the situation like this?why, why, why.hoo boy.

Monday, November 20, 2006
@8:41 pm
to wei xuan:
hey xuan, chill about today ok. seeing you tear was like quite heartbreaking la. i almost teared back then u know. chill k.the results are out. well i got promoted. but ahh fuck it, no mood.
CANOEING! it's uber fun. i'm taking the C-boat now, it's a very different form of canoeing. well actually it's the real canoeing, what we usually perceive as canoeing with the 2-sided paddle is actually kayaking.
its UBER UBER UBER hard to balance on the C-boat, but the 5 C-boaters(me, des, hong kit, tim and clement) are like making loads of progress. hope i can row the C-boat soon. my current record is 3 strokes then BOOM into the water.
training is like almost 4-5 times a week. muscle ache! my back is killing me.

Thursday, November 16, 2006
@9:57 pm
sub-paper's finally
OVER. oh yeah. the paper was ok i guess. it's the kind where either u pass ok or u make like 100000000 mistakes and die. but overall, cross fingers, toes, hair, whatever and hope to pass.I CAN FINALLY GO BACK TO TRAINING. like omg. time to lose the flabs. whoo hoo.
time to go chill.ahah.BE RIGHT BACK SOON!
gimme a break la. walao.

Friday, November 10, 2006
@11:34 pm
it's comin. the sub-paper is finally coming. i'm like studying, but whether if it is enough i'm not sure. feeling like so depressed now la. everyone's enjoying and i'm stuck here at home like one moron. well, who to blame but myself. didnt study hard enough. SIAN.
training has also started, but i cant go. damit. i can only go next fri, after my sub-paper on thurs. like what the
HELL. well the only interesting thing at home now is the world pool championship on ESPN. it's uber cool, and the players are DAMN GOOD. the players, are gerard would say, KAN JUN. that means super accurate in hokkien. and their placing can make(IT REALLY IS THAT GOOD) your jaws drop. pity emanuel (the magician) reyes got kicked out. i was kinda rooting for him, rather big fan.
well, life's all about TV pool and maths nowadays, you can imagine how bad it is for me. just a little less than a week to freedom for me. i feel like i'm retaking o'lvls again. it's the same time of the year for the sec 4s too.boy am i one depressed person.what i would give for you to just have a nice chat with me,
or to even NOTICE me more.the question in my mind is, why are you suddenly so dao towards me?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
@10:31 pm
just changed my blogsong. heh. it's my current favourite song at the moment.emo, but heck it's dam good. i've always liked rather emo songs btw. but some A7x wont hurt. haha. beast and the harlot just gets you in the mood.
i've just wasted another precious day away. went to school to do pw, ended up changed the titles and editing some slides. then went to play POOL. omg i was so darn off form today. sadness. must chill next time i play pool. haha. i get so agitated and all the &%$&#%*$ comes out. its getting even worse lol. even olive has said so! omg. gotta exercise some self-control.
did some maths at home after that, and look where i am now, BLOGGING. wth.
i swear i'm like getting uber fat. NEED TO EXERCISE OMG. CJC CANOEISTS HAVE A NEW COACH! he's a cool dude. and TALL. he can go be a giant's friend pls. 190 cm omg. towering over us. ok fine mainly me. he's cool. and i heard he's pumping us training starting this sat. but damn i cant go till after my subpapers. ahhh. everyone's getting fit again soon and i'm still stuck getting fatter. walao.
A lvl chinese this friday! haha. MAYBE i'll look at my chinese textbook. maybe. hmmm.
gotta go. cya all.
has the one finally arrived? i wonder.-Kenny-